Quiz: Could It Be ADHD?


Please indicate who you are answering these questions for (please select only one)*:

(please select only one):


For each symptom listed below that is experienced or noticed regularly, select the setting(s) in which it occurs (e.g., you may have trouble focusing during conversations at work and in a social setting but not at home, so for that question you would select the boxes in the “Work” and “Social” columns).

If a particular symptom never or rarely occurs, just check “NO”.


Do you/does your child:

Often overlook details or make careless mistakes on work? (Select all that apply)

Have trouble maintaining focus during tasks or conversations? (Select all that apply)

Often seem not to listen when spoken to directly?(Select all that apply)

Start tasks, but quickly lose focus and often fail to finish?(Select all that apply)

Often miss due dates or deadlines?(Select all that apply)

Often seem disorganized or messy?(Select all that apply)

Avoid or dislike tasks requiring sustained mental effort, such as homework or paperwork? (Select all that apply)

Often lose things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., wallet, keys, eyeglasses, phone, schoolbooks/supplies)?(Select all that apply)

Get easily distracted by external stimuli, or find that mind wanders frequently? (Select all that apply)

Often forget to do chores, run errands, return calls, pay bills? (Select all that apply)


Do you/does your child:

Often tap hands or feet, or squirm in your or your child’s seat? (Select all that apply)

Have trouble staying seated, even when it is expected? (Select all that apply)

Often feel restless? (Select all that apply)

Have trouble engaging in leisure activities quietly? (Select all that apply)

Often seem to be “on the go,” acting as if driven by a motor, or feel uncomfortable if being still for an extended time? (Select all that apply)

Talk excessively? (Select all that apply)

Interrupt others, or have trouble waiting for your/their turn in a conversation? (Select all that apply)

Have trouble waiting your/their turn in line? (Select all that apply)

Often interrupt or intrude on others (conversations) or take over what someone else is doing? (Select all that apply)


I have noticed or experienced the above symptoms for (please select only one)*:

(please select only one):